Saturday, August 16, 2008

Minor Update

Hey All:'s been a while, hasn't it? Just so you all know, I am alright and safe at home, enjoying the last days before I return to Ithaca for my senior year (yikes!). I flew back to the States on August 2 without any complications, and then spent most of last week at the Jersey Shore with my family relaxing and readjusting to life in the US. I will be returning to Ithaca on the 24th of August, which leaves me a little over a week of vacation time left. I have been very busy preparing for various things, like my poster presentation at the American Chemical Society's National Meeting in Philadelphia next week and gearing up for Ithaca, but I've also been trying to get all my Japan stories and pictures organized. So, starting this Sunday, I will resume my biweekly posting schedule (Sunday and Wednesday). In the coming weeks I will be writing about some aspects of my trip I didn't have a chance to as of yet, as well as detail for you the final weeks of my stay in Japan. Finally, I am hoping to close up the blog with an entry or two about my readjustment back to the US and what I learned about Japan, the US, the world, and myself. Sorry for the long silence, but I hope to see you all once again starting this Sunday!

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